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Tips That Men Follow To Attract Women


Many men what to know how to make girls attracted to them. This is a question that runs to every man mind and getting a lady who will stand by you even in the worst situation is life is real to find.We are not equal as men, and at times life may seem too hard on our side and success might not be our portion, but then we need to learn some ideas on how to attract women. Men hate to be alone with the agony and depression, so they look for a woman to give then the company.

Good style 

Many men don’t mind their appearance and have a thought that dressing in their ways and the dressing code make them have old fashioned look. But this may not be the case if you need to attract a woman in your life change your dressing mode and fashion. If you want to attract a fashionable woman who likes trendy clothes and sexy then as a man you need to change and wear the sexy cloth she admires this will give you a point and your first impression to here will make here fell the attractions you need and the attention. Use the current perfume on the market to smell sweet when going to meet her this will make her feel she has the right man by her side.

Be Confident 

The personality that every woman loves is a man who is confident in himself even on their first date. Being confident of what you do and what you tell the girls shows her that you value yourself and you are willing to defend her in future. Keep yourself relaxed and calm when talking to her calmness will make her love you.

Sense of Humor 

Women at time hate men who are ever curious be the guy who will make her laugh and have fun have the confidence so that you may make your girl miss spending time with you because of the funniest moment you share together. Share with her stories that she love to hear if the girl you are after loves movie then narrate the best movie you have ever watched and convince her to look for the movie avoid sexy talks at your first date she might mistake you the man who is after sex.

Laid back 

At times be the guy who is unpredictable don’t always nag the woman you are chasing at times women get bored by men who nag a lot give her the time and space to consider your proposal let her miss you and make you a call. Women at time miss men who respect themselves and never nag much if you made your last date success and you were confident be sure the girl will look for you be mysterious to catch her attention